16 April 2013


Angelica and Moroni

Angelica Monsivais was sealed to Moroni Sanchez last Friday, April 12, 2013. She was the music director and a counselor in the primary, so we met when I started playing the piano for the children. As her wedding day approached, she asked us if we would attend her sealing. We were delighted. It happened to be an evening when we were working, so the coordinator assigned me to reception so I could greet her when she and her fiancé arrived. Everything was checked and double-checked and she was taken back to the bride's room to dress.

In a few minutes, the coordinator came to get me. It turned out that Angelica had no one to be with her on this very special day. It was not her first time in the temple, but it was definitely her first time to be married and the coordinator wanted her to have someone by her side. I arrived in time to help her into her dress and to make sure that she was properly attired for the sealing. There was just one little problem. The scoop neck on her dress didn't cover her collar bones--a requirement for a dress worn for a sealing. A different dress from the temple was suggested, but her heart was set on the dress that had been made for the occasion. I suddenly remembered a lovely linen handkerchief in my temple bag. The beautiful lace around it had been crocheted by an equally beautiful friend, Melanie. I retrieved the handkerchief, quickly ironed it, and we attached it under the neckline with tiny, invisible safety pins. It matched the dress almost perfectly, was approved by the temple matron and Angelica's face became all smiles. After the very sweet sealing ceremony, she prepared to go outside for pictures. As I was helping her, in the back of my mind I heard dear Melanie's voice say, "Give the handkerchief to her as a wedding gift." So I did. Angelica now has a beautiful hand-crocheted linen handkerchief to carry to the temple each time she goes. Thank you Melanie for sharing a gift that keeps on giving. 

Hna. Hoffman, Moroni, Angelica, Elder Hoffman


  1. Linda, what a sweet story. It brought back memories for me of my wedding day in the temple. As a convert, I had no family members to go through with me. For some reason, neither Gary's mother, nor his sisters thought to accompany me so I went through alone. As a convert I was pretty naive about the proceedings and I had no idea that I would need to wear my regular temple veil with my wedding dress. I went to put on the beautiful veil I had bought for the reception, and was embarrassed when the temple worker told me to take it off. So I can tell you from experience that you were indeed a great blessing to your friend on her wedding day.

  2. Dearest Linda, I want you to know that I noticed this post, and am very happy to participate in a wedding gift for lovely Angelica. Thank you for sharing the story. With love and best wishes for the happy couple!
